Saturday, August 18, 2012

Summercamp in Avila: 1 Day later


I'm back in Gran Canaria now, but I though I would quickly describe the end of the journey before typing all this to my computer, so I don't forget it.
Ok, so we finished the ceremonies to finally say farewell to those of us who are changing yeargroup and welcome the new ones.
Then we had a little party with burgers, sweets and music, but I wasn't allowed to eat any of the party stuff due to my previous illness. It was nice anyway.
The the 29th we spent all day getting things ready, like making our bags, folding the tents and cleaning, so by 2 a.m. the next day we would be ready to take the bus to the airport and head back to Gran Canaria.
It was a great trip. I've really enjoyed myself and I feel much more independent and able to survive in the wildness now. I'm really looking forward to next years summercamp, although I know that many other exciting adventures are waiting for me before that.

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